Monday, March 30, 2020

March 30 2020

Monday, March 30, 2020

Mar. 30- Apr. 3

Welcome to week 2 of online learning! We have posted this week's assignments in our Google Classroom. Please encourage your child to log in to see what they should work on this week!

We have included a list of overdue assignments with our weekly post. If your child wishes to do more work, we have also included a list of enrichment activities that can be completed. The priority should be on current and overdue assignments.

Thanks for your continued support with this online learning platform!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

March 24 2020

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Google Classroom is officially launched!

Great news! The grade 4 Google Classroom is ready to officially launch! Your child may now log into his/ her @learn account and click on the “stream” tab to view the learning activities for this week. For a brief tutorial on how to use Google Classroom, parents can view the following video:

Monday, March 23, 2020

March 23 2020

March 23- 27

Dear Parents,

At this point in time, Mme Allyson and I are waiting for the school district to give us the permission to launch our Google Classroom learning platform. We appreciate your continued patience in this regard.

To facilitate student' online learning, there will only be one Google Classroom for all grade 4 students at St. Luke. Currently students are only to accept the invitation to join the classroom. We ask that they DO NOT complete any of the assignments until further notice.

To access their @learn account, please refer to the email with step-by-step instructions for logging on. This email was sent to parents last week.

Please remind your child that the comments section of the Google Classroom is not to chat with each other. This is only meant to ask the teachers questions about assignments. We are being inundated with student comments that are unnecessary.

While we wait to begin our learning journey with the Google Classroom, I have compiled a list of projects and assignments that students can work on for this week. Please read below for more detail.

Reading: Students are encouraged to continue reading 20 minutes per day in each language (English and French). Students are always invited to read a french book and submit a résumé de lecture in to my Google account.

French:  If interested, students could write a spring story including their kindergarten buddy as the main character. Story should have one paragraph for the introduction, three paragraphs for the development and one paragraph for the conclusion. The story should be written in and sent to my account. They can use St. Patrick and Easter vocabulary such as leprechaun, clover, pot of gold, chocolate eggs, bunnies, etc. 

They are invited to submit one journal entry in French. This is to replicate the "journal personnel" that they were already doing in class. Students can submit their entries via Google Docs.

Math: I will be sending a math project : L'horaire de ma journée" in all parents' emails.

Social Studies

Science: For this week, students can read the information on "la poulie" and complete the activities in the “système de poulies” booklet. A hard copy of this booklet has been placed in their bins.

SPARKS: Remember to keep moving. Use Go Noodle or Just Dance videos.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

March 18 2020


Dear Parents,

At this point in time, Mme Allyson and I are planning on sending school work, starting next Monday, through the Google Classroom platform. To facilitate their online learning, there will only be one Google Classroom for all grade 4 students at St. Luke. Currently students are only to accept the invitation to join the classroom. We ask that they DO NOT complete any of the assignments until further notice.

To access their @learn account, please refer to the email with step-by-step instructions for logging on. This email will be sent to parents, not students.

While we wait to begin our learning journey with the Google Classroom, you will find below what they can do this week!

Reading: Students are encouraged to continue reading 20 minutes per day in each language (English and French).

French: Students are expected to write one journal entry per day in French. This is to replicate the "journal personnel" that they were already doing in class. Students can submit their entries via Google Docs to myself.

Math: Students are asked to practice their addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts. They can also practice telling time in French and in English from an analog clock or watch.

Social Studies: Students could research different regions of Alberta and write a short summary in French.

Science: For this week, students can read the information on "les engrenages" and complete the activities. A hard copy of this booklet has been placed in their bins.

Religion: They could start to make a religious game board they were supposed to do with M DeGagne.

We are presently waiting for our school administration's permission to send you more information. Thank you for your patience.

If by any chance your child brought home any library or classroom books, French reading comprehensions or anything that belongs to the school, please drop them at the front office with my name on.

Have a good day and keep smiling!

Don'y forget to pick up your child's belongings from school.

Monday, March 16, 2020

March 16 - 20 2020

Welcome Grade 4 parents to the first post of my blog!

French: Résumé de lecture for students that have not completed it for February. French and English reading log (green sheet) 20 minutes in each language 4 times per week. JAP (pink sheet) 20 minutes of physical activity 4 times per week.

Math: Students can work on telling time (12 hour and 24 hour) from a clock or a watch (not digital). They can also practice writing dates from a calendar in 3 different ways. 

At this point in time, Mme Allyson and I are planning on sending school work to students through their account. Make sure they know their username and password.We are presently waiting for our school administration's permission to send you more information.

IMPORTANT: With the recent COVID-19 pandemic, unfortunately Aggie Days has been cancelled.

Have a good week!