Monday, September 27, 2021

 Here is what we will be covering in class this week:

French:  Students will learn how to differentiate between AVOIR and ÊTRE in the present tense. There will be a pre-test (not for marks) on Monday, followed by an evaluation on Friday. They also have to go on Razkids for 15 minutes every night and reading out loud. They've received the steps to follow and they are not to change level for now.

Math:  We will continue our unit on patterns. They still have to practice saying numbers up to 100 (not in order).

English:  We are continuing to read Secret Signs by Jacqueline Guest.

Science: We will be learning about the importance that red worms play in composting kitchen waste.

Social Studies: Students will continue to learn about the geography of Alberta. 

Religion: Students will be learning about how our Faith makes us one.

*Please note that in honour of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, there will be no school on Thursday.*

Monday, September 20, 2021

 Here is what we will be covering in class this week:

French:  Students will learn how to properly conjugate the verb ÊTRE in the present tense. There will be an evaluation on Wednesday.  We will start the Razkids reading program at home next week.

Math:  We will continue with our unit on patterns. Students should be practicing their numbers up to 100 in French.

English: Students will be finishing the assignment called the “I Can” hand.  We will also be reading from Secret Signs by Jacqueline Guest.

Science: We will continue to learn about the role decomposers play in turning waste into nutrient-rich soil.

Social Studies: We will soon start this subject.

Religion: The theme this week is:  How does our Faith make us one?

Parent-Teacher-Conference: Don't forget to book a time to meet with us!

                        Our class with Mme Amanda in the Learning Commons.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Here is what we will be covering in class this week:

French:  Students will learn how to properly conjugate the verb AVOIR in the present tense. There will be an evaluation on Friday. In addition, we will be talking about the legacy of Terry Fox and continuing with personal journal writing.

Math:  We will start our unit on patterns. Students should be practicing their numbers up to 100 in French.

English: Students will be working on an assignment called the “I Can” hand. They write several statements about all the things they can do. We will also be reading  Secret Signs by Jacqueline Guest.

Science: We will be learning about the role decomposers play in turning waste into nutrient-rich soil.

Social Studies: Students will begin to learn about the geography of the World, then narrowing down to Canada and Alberta.

Religion: We are now working on the Unit 1: Called to Be One

Terry Fox Run : Friday, September 17 in the afternoon for Div 2.  Students are asked to bring $2 to go for cancer research and they will participate in the draw for a Terry Fox t-Shirt.