Monday, April 18, 2016

April 18th to April 22nd

Hello everyone!

French: Verbe être à l'imparfait. Dictée on Friday.
              Continue reading in French and in English and fill out your log (green sheet)
              Memorize all paragraphs: Le corbeau et le renard. Evaluation on Friday.

Gala d'art oratoire: Congratulations to the 5 finalists from our class: Claire D., Kristina, Meagan,   
                               Eric  and Angel.
                               Congratulations to Meagan who will represent the grade 4 for our school on
                               May28th  at Bishop Grandin High School.

Heritage Park: April 20 2016. Students are allowed to dress as pioneers, farmers or ranchers. The following parents are volunteering on this fieldtrip: Dolores Roth
                                                                                   Cornelia Lehar
                                                                                   Olga Serzhantova
                                                                                   Kandy Donais
                                                                                   Shannon Cayer
Volunteers, please arrive at 8:45am at the latest and bring a lunch.

Have a good week!