Here’s the plan for next week:
French: This week students will compare different French expressions that use the verbs ‘avoir’ and ‘être’. There will be a pre-test on Monday and a final evaluation on Friday. The pre-test does not count; it simply gives us an idea of what the students already know before starting the unit. In addition, students are continuing to work on their cursive writing.
*We will be checking the reading program every Monday morning. Students who read at home for their ‘résumé de lecture’ can include that towards their reading minutes.
Math: We are continuing with our unit on natural numbers. Students will look at the different ways in which we can represent 4-digit numbers as well as how to arrange and compare them. Students should be practicing their numbers up to 9999.
Social Studies: We are completing our first unit which is an introduction to Canada and Alberta. Students will receive a study sheet on Monday for their evaluation on Friday. They should be bringing their Social Studies duotang home to review each night this week. Don't forget to include their Social Studies reading in the reading program!
English: Students will continue to complete various writing activities from the “And Who Are You?” textbook. We will finish unit 1.
Science: Our main focus is on Social Studies this week, but students can look forward to having their photo taken in our outdoor classroom.
To celebrate birthdays, in lieu of students bringing treats to school, we will have a JEU DE SOCIÉTÉ once a month where students can bring their own games from home to play at school. There are also games in the classroom for them to choose. This Friday afternoon is our first JEU DE SOCIÉTÉ.

Please note that Friday is picture day J