Monday, October 31, 2016

Nov. 2- 4

Here’s the plan for next week:

French: This week students will be working on a writing project where they focus on organization and self-editing. They must also pay close attention to plural words and adjectives.
**Students must also remember to read in French 20 minutes per day, 4 days a week for their reading program. Reading logs from last week are due on Wednesday. **
Math: We are continuing with addition of numbers up to 4 digits.  This week we will focus on problem solving where students will be required to properly read and respond to word problems in French.
Students must know their basic addition facts (up to 9 + 9).
Religion: We will discuss All Saint's Day and Remembrance Day. Our prayers will focus on people that have passed away. In addition, we will begin to discuss the Saints project by first looking at Saint Luke. This project will carry us through the month of November.
English: Students will continue to learn about capitalization and sentence structures.
Science: We will begin our second unit on "Waste in our World".  In addition, our next MSD (wasteless lunch) is on Wednesday November 2nd. More information is also posted on the blog.
There will be no school on Monday October 31st (PD day) and Tuesday November 1st (Faith Day).