Monday, February 6, 2017

Feb. 6- 10

Here’s the plan for next week:

 French: This week students will learn the 'passé composé' with the verb ALLER. There will be an evaluation on Friday, February 10th. In addition, we will be starting our physical activity journal (JAP) for the month of February. This is a French and Health project.
**Students must also remember to read in French 20 minutes per day, 4 days a week for their reading program. Reading logs from last week are due on Monday. **
Math: We will begin our unit on division. Students should be reviewing their basic division facts.
Music/ English: The music research project is due Wednesday February 8th . Students will begin presentations on Thursday.
Science: We will begin our Lights and Shadows unit.
Our next MSD (wasteless lunch) is on Wednesday, February 8th. More information is also posted on the blog. If you do not wish for your child to participate, please write a note in his or her agenda.
Social Studies: This week we will work on a project on the different regions of Alberta. This project should not take very long so it will be due on Monday, February 13th.