Here is the plan for this week:
French: We will be looking at the masculine, feminine, singular and plural forms of adjectives in French. There will be a dictée on Friday.
In addition, students are required to read out loud in French for 20 minutes a day, four times a week for the at home reading program. Reading logs are always due on Mondays!
Math: We will be continuing to look at numeration: classifying and organizing numbers, representing numbers with words or pictures etc. Students should be able to say the numbers from 1- 9999 in French. We will also move on to addition and estimating sums.
English: Students should have already submitted their letter about Calgary. If not, this should be completed as homework and handed in. This week, we will continue with our grammar unit and will learn about homonyms, synonyms and antonyms.
Science: We are continuing our unit on Waste in Our World. So far, students are learning about decomposers and the difference between waste created by humans and waste created by nature.