Monday, November 28, 2022


 Here is what we will be covering in class this week:

French:  This week, we are learning about the verb  ALLER at the present tense . There will be an evaluation on Friday.  Students are to go on Razkids 3 times this week for a minimum of 20 minutes each time. They received an info sheet on how to access the program and what steps to follow. They have ato record their voice with every book they are reading.

Math: This week, we will continue to estimate additions. They will have an evaluation on Thursday. Students will practice their basic addition facts by going on Xtramath 3 times this week. 

Science:  We are learning the cycle of a product. Students will start a project soon.

Social Studies: We will start to discover how the Earth, the livings things and the humans were created. 

English: Students will continue to work on their Book Reports. They will complete the rough copy for a Friendly letter. Lastly, we will learn about synonyms.