Monday, March 27, 2023

Here is what we will be covering in class this week:

French: This week, students are finishing to write a spring story using grammar rules we have learned this year.

Math: We are starting our unit on telling time.

Science: We are continuing our Simple Machines unit.

Social Studies: We will start a new unit after the Easter break.


-Presentations, corrections and Improvements of Music Research Projects continued 

-Second reading of the novel, The Lion, Witch and Wardrobe to better understand innuendos and British vocabulary 

-When is a syllable a prefix? 

-How does a prefix change the meaning of a word? 

- Practicing songs for the Holy Thursday Liturgy 

- Faith in Action: Writing messages of gratitude to our caretakers. 

- Readings about Jesus’ miracles in the textbook and the Bible 

- Palm Sunday 

NO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY: Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher Conferences: Don't forget to book a time if you want to meet with us.

Fieldtrip to Heritage Park: We are going to Heritage Park on April 21st all day. We have a bus for that day but we might still need driving volunteers.