Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Here is what we will be covering in class this week:

French: We will be learning the verbs "Aller et Faire" at l'imparfait. There will be an evaluation on Friday on the difference between verbs at "Imparfait and verbs at Passé Composé.  Students are also asked to continue Razkids 3 times per week.

Math: We are finishing  our unit on telling time. There will be an evaluation Thursday. Students are asked to go on Xtramath 3 times per week.

Science: Correction of the evaluation on Simple Machines

Social Studies: We will be presenting our projects next week..

Religion: -Unit 5: Building the Kingdom of God

-Mary, mothers and women in the Bible 

-Memorize Hail Mary in English and French

-Marian Liturgy, Thursday, May 11: 10:00  

English:-Write and edit good copy of the writing project: The Lion, the Witch 

  and the Wardrobe 

-Continue researching and writing Project for Healthy Living using Chrome   Books 

-Follow directions to make a paper crane like Sadako in the book The  Thousand  Paper Cranes by Eleanor Coerr 

-Words with prefixes and suffixes