Monday, May 15, 2023

 Here is what we will be covering in class this week:

French: We will be learning verbs at the future tense. There will be an evaluation on Friday. Students are also asked to continue Razkids 3 times per week. Students are asked to memorize the Je vous salue Marie. There will be an evaluation at the end the month.

Math: We are starting our unit on fractions. Students are asked to go on Xtramath 3 times per week.

Science: Continuing projects with Simple machines.

Social Studies: We will be presenting our projects on agriculture.

Religion: -Unit 5: Building the Kingdom of God 

The Rosary: 

-Six accompanying Prayers 

-Twenty Mysteries 

English and Health :   

-Finish writing and editing a good copy of the writing project: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

-Continue researching, writing and editing the Project for Healthy Living using  Chrome Books.

-Finish the second reading of the book Sadako. 

-Listen and follow along during the reading of The Belle of Batoche by Jacqueline Guest. 

-Learn to write your personal contact information correctly for the evaluation on Friday. The pretest will be sent home on Monday. 

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Here is what we will be covering in class this week:

French: We will be learning the verbs "Aller et Faire" at l'imparfait. There will be an evaluation on Friday on the difference between verbs at "Imparfait and verbs at Passé Composé.  Students are also asked to continue Razkids 3 times per week.

Math: We are finishing  our unit on telling time. There will be an evaluation Thursday. Students are asked to go on Xtramath 3 times per week.

Science: Correction of the evaluation on Simple Machines

Social Studies: We will be presenting our projects next week..

Religion: -Unit 5: Building the Kingdom of God

-Mary, mothers and women in the Bible 

-Memorize Hail Mary in English and French

-Marian Liturgy, Thursday, May 11: 10:00  

English:-Write and edit good copy of the writing project: The Lion, the Witch 

  and the Wardrobe 

-Continue researching and writing Project for Healthy Living using Chrome   Books 

-Follow directions to make a paper crane like Sadako in the book The  Thousand  Paper Cranes by Eleanor Coerr 

-Words with prefixes and suffixes 

Monday, May 1, 2023


Here is what we will be covering in class this week:

French: We will be learning verbs in "IR" at l'imparfait. There will be an evaluation on Friday. Students are also asked to continue Razkids 3 times per week.

Math: We are finishing  our unit on telling time. There will be an evaluation next week.Students are asked to go on Xtramath 3 times per week.

Science: Evaluation on Simple Machines on Tuesday.

Social Studies: We are finishing our project on agriculture in Alberta this week..

Religion:-Unit 5: Building the Kingdom of God

-Mary and Mothers 

English:-Finish rough copy of the writing project for the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 


-Using Chrome Books, write about a chosen fruit or vegetable. This is a cross curricular project with outcomes from Health, Religion and English Language Arts.  

-Show listening comprehension for Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes by Eleanor Coerr 


Monday, April 24, 2023

Here is what we will be covering in class this week:

French: We will be learning verbs in "ER" at l'imparfait. There will be an evaluation on Friday. Students are also asked to continue Razkids 3 times per week.

Math: We are continuing  our unit on telling time. Students are asked to go on Xtramath 3 times per week.

Science: We are continuing our Simple Machines unit.

Social Studies: We are continuing our project on agriculture in Alberta.


- Finish the second reading of the novel: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. 

- Start the rough copy of the writing project for the Lion, the Witch and the              Wardrobe. 

- Choose a fruit or vegetable for a research project on Healthy Living using the      ChromeBooks. 

- Student Faith Day activities: 

               -Paper chain 

               -Leaf to add to school tree 

FIELDTRIPS UNTIL THE END OF SCHOOL YEAR: So you can plan when you want to volunteer.

Heritage Park:  Thank you to the 5 parents who came to Heritage Park. Despite the cold weather, it was quite educational.

Swimming: May 23, 24, 25 and 26 (3 volunteers every day. We needs some dads to supervise the boys' change room.) Students have received an information package today.

Tsutiina Cultural Museum: May 30th (6 volunteers)

Recycling Center: June 1st (6 volunteers)

Monday, April 17, 2023

 Here is what we will be covering in class this week:

French: We will be learning the verbs Avoir and Être at l'imparfait. Student had a pre-test Monday and there will be an evaluation on Thursday.

Math: We are continuing  our unit on telling time.

Science: We are continuing our Simple Machines unit.

Social Studies: We will start on project on agriculture in Alberta.

English:-Continue reading the novel: The Lion, Witch and Wardrobe 

-When is a syllable a prefix? How does it change the meaning of a word? 

-Vocabulary associated to Heritage Park 

 -Review of Unit 4: New Life in Jesus  

-Bible Readings about the Resurrection by the 4 Evangelists 

-Faith in Action: Notes of gratitude to policemen 

FIELDTRIPS UNTIL THE END OF SCHOOL YEAR: So you can plan when you want to volunteer.

Heritage Park: April 21st (We have enough volunteers)

Swimming: May 23, 24, 25 and 26 (3 volunteers every day, we needs some dads.)

Tsutiina Cultural Museum: May 30th (6 volunteers)

Recycling Center: June 1st (6 volunteers)

Monday, April 3, 2023

Here is what we will be covering in class this week:

French: Students are practicing to read out loud their spring story. 

Math: We are continuing  our unit on telling time.

Science: We are continuing our Simple Machines unit.

Social Studies: We will start a new unit after the Easter break.

English: Last presentations of Music Research Projects 

-Continue reading the novel: The Lion, Witch and Wardrobe 

-Review of basic grammatical rules: Capitals, periods, plurals, present and past tense.

-Unit 4: New Life in Jesus 

-Students are invited to bring palms from Palm Sunday mass to show the class. 

-Recommitment to our Lenten promises 

-Readings about Jesus’ miracles in the Bible 

-Holy Thursday Liturgy at 1:00. Parent are encouraged to attend. 



FIELDTRIPS UNTIL THE END OF SCHOOL YEAR: So you can plan when you want to volunteer.

Heritage Park: April 21st (We have enough volunteers)

Swimming: May 23, 24, 25 and 26 (3 volunteers every day, we needs some dads.)

Tsutiina Cultural Museum: May 30th (6 volunteers)

Recycling Center: June 1st (6 volunteers)

Monday, March 27, 2023

Here is what we will be covering in class this week:

French: This week, students are finishing to write a spring story using grammar rules we have learned this year.

Math: We are starting our unit on telling time.

Science: We are continuing our Simple Machines unit.

Social Studies: We will start a new unit after the Easter break.


-Presentations, corrections and Improvements of Music Research Projects continued 

-Second reading of the novel, The Lion, Witch and Wardrobe to better understand innuendos and British vocabulary 

-When is a syllable a prefix? 

-How does a prefix change the meaning of a word? 

- Practicing songs for the Holy Thursday Liturgy 

- Faith in Action: Writing messages of gratitude to our caretakers. 

- Readings about Jesus’ miracles in the textbook and the Bible 

- Palm Sunday 

NO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY: Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher Conferences: Don't forget to book a time if you want to meet with us.

Fieldtrip to Heritage Park: We are going to Heritage Park on April 21st all day. We have a bus for that day but we might still need driving volunteers. 

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Sorry about the delay!

Here is what we will be covering in class this week:

French: This week, students are continuing to write a spring story using grammar rules we have learned this year.

Math: We are completing our unit on division. There will  be an evaluation on Friday including multiplication and division problem solving. Students should continue practicing multiplication and division on Xtramath.

Science: We are starting our Simple Machines unit.

Social Studies:  We are completing our unit on the Rocky Mountains. There will be an evaluation on Wednesday.


-Presentations, corrections and Improvements of Music Research Projects 

-Book reports 

-Review of novel, The Lion, Witch and Wardrobe through illustrations in the book


-Unit 4: New Life in Jesus 

-Growing in faith through the Sacraments 

-The Seven Sacraments Song + Activities 

-Recommitment to our Lenten promises 

Parent-Teacher Conferences: Don't forget to book a time if you want to meet with us.

Fieldtrip to Heritage Park: We are going to Heritage Park on April 21st all day. We are having difficulties finding a bus for that day so we might need driving volunteers. A form will be sent home soon.


Monday, March 13, 2023

Here is what we will be covering in class this week:

French: This week, students are writing a spring story using grammar rules we have learned this year.

Math: We are starting our division unit. Students should all be practicing multiplication and division on Xtramath.

Science: We are starting our Simple Machines unit.

Social Studies:  We are continuing our unit on the Rocky Mountains. Evaluation Thursday or Monday. 

English: -Presentations of Music Research Projects 

-Make lists of common words having prefixes 

-Peculiarities of conjugating verbs in English: 

- I go. You go. He/She goes. We go. They go. 

- I am going. You are going. He/She is going. We are going. They are going. 

-Unit 4: New Life in Jesus 

-Story of Zaccheus in the Bible 

-Sing and dramatize Zaccheus Song 

-St Patrick’s prayer: The Breastplate 

No school on Friday: Professional growth day for teachers.

Monday, March 6, 2023

Here is what we will be covering in class this week:

French: We are learning about reflexive verbs using Être at the "Passé composé" tense. There will be an evaliation Friday.Students are asked to go on Razkids 3 times this week to improve their reading fluency.

Math: We are finishing our unit on multiplication. There will be a problem solving evaluation Tuesday and a quiz with basic facts on Friday. Students should all be practicing multiplication on Xtramath.

Science: We are continuing our Light and Shadow unit.

Social Studies:  We are continuing our unit on the Rocky Mountains. Evaluation next week. 

English: -Presentations of Music Research Project 

-Identify root words in a list of words having prefixes 

-Reflections about lessons learned in the book, THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE 

-Introduction to Unit 4: New Life in Jesus 

-Readings about Lent in our textbooks 

-The story of St Patrick-Irish Blessing Song 

Monday, February 27, 2023

Here is what we will be covering in class this week:

French: We are reviewing verbs using Être and Avoir at the "Passé composé" tense. There will be no evaluation this week however students have a homework where they have to write 15 grade 4 sentences using different verbs at the passé composé tense. The homework is due on Friday. Students are asked to go on Razkids 3 times this week to improve their reading fluency.

Math: We are continuing our unit on multiplication. There will be random quizzes. Students should all be practicing multiplication on Xtramath.

Science: We are continuing our Light and Shadow unit.

Social Studies:  We are continuing our unit on the Rocky Mountains. 

English: -Music Research Project: Completion, presentations and improvements 

               -Novel study: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe: 

                Choose and write a description of an illustration in the book. 

                   - Bishop William McGrattan’s visit on Friday 

                   -Lenten promises 

Have a great week!

Tuesday, February 21, 2023


Here is what we will be covering in class this week:

French: We are learning verbs using Être at the "Passé composé" tense. There will be an evaluation on Friday. Students are asked to go on Razkids twice this week to improve their reading fluency.

Math: We are continuing our unit on multiplication. There will be random quizzes. Students should all be practicing multiplication on Xtramath.

Science: We are continuing our Light and Shadow unit.

Social Studies:  We are starting our unit on the Rocky Mountains. 

English: Music Research Project on Chrome Books using Google Slide

-Novel study: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe  

                -Notice how common words are used in uncommon ways. 

-Lenten promises 

-Ash Wednesday celebration. 

Have a great week!

Monday, February 13, 2023

Here is what we will be covering in class this week:

French: We are learning the verb ALLER at the "Passé composé" tense. There will be an evaluation on Wednesday. Students are asked to go on Razkids twice this week to improve their reading fluency.

Math: We are continuing our unit on multiplication. There will be random quizzes. Students should be done practicing addition and subtraction basic facts. If not, they should complete it as soon as possible.

Science: We are continuing our Light and Shadow unit.

Social Studies:  We are starting our unit on the Rocky Mountains. 

English: Music Research Project on Chrome Books using Google Slides 

Special focus on: 

-Reading slowly to find mistakes 

-Double checking everything is done. 

-Checking hyperlinks are working. 

-Embellishing slides to interest audience 

-Novel study: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe  

                -Notice how common words are used in uncommon ways. 

-The Liturgical Season of Ordinary Time.

-Lenten promises 

-Participate in the Ash Burning Ceremony with piety. 

-Story of St Valentine 

Have a great week!