Sunday, October 4, 2020

October 4th 2020

Here is what we will be covering in class this week:

French: Students will learn about ‘le nom commun’. There will be no evaluation in French this week. In addition, I will be presenting the new reading program, the Raz Kids online reading resource, and book reports. Don't forget to sign and return last week evaluation.

We are continuing to work on extending number patterns and patterns found in charts. They will have a quiz next Friday, October 9th.  We will practice for the test. 

EnglishStudent are practicing their writing skills as they answer all kinds of fun questions and share their thoughts on stories.  We have talked a lot about  contractions and capitalization.

Science: Students will have an evaluation on Thursday. They will receive a study guide on Monday. They are also working on a project about a common decomposer, which will be due on Friday.

Social Studies: We  will complete important information about Alberta  and will start discussing the different theories of the creation of the Earth. Don't forget to sign and return last week evaluation.

ReligionWe are talking about what it means to have Faith. Please share your experiences about how your faith in the Lord has helped you overcome difficult situations.  

Reminder: Students'duo-tangs are to stay in the poly envelope at all times and be returned to school every day. Thanks!

Have a great week!